
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Catching up

First of all, I am not going to put negative reviews on this blog. I am going to talk about music and artists that move me and that I enjoy. So if you are looking for thumbs up thumbs down reviews go somewhere else. For now I want to talk about the last three or four albums that blew me away recently.

First up is Adele's 21, this album is amazing from start to finish. See her crush it live here

This is what music is all about!

Next up is the brad new "Over the Rhine" album "The Long Surrender"

I saw them play live a few years ago and they blew me away. At that point there amazing record "The Trumpet Child" has just come out and I was also dealing with some serious changes in my life and there music seemed a perfect soundtrack to what was going on. So I will always have a special place in my heart for "Over the Rhine" In fact they are one of the reasons I still play and perform music live to this day. At any rate, there new album is simply sublime. AMAZING. They never disappoint. One of my favorite tracks is "Infamous Love Songs" WOW just amazing. Check this album out for sure!


You will find that I have very eclectic taste. and I will post music as I discover it and not necessarily as it comes out. So I may discuss an album that is 30+ years old. At any rate, another album that blew me away recently was from the hip-hop crew "North Scientifik" There new album "Building" is just a perfect throwback of old school jams with a new school attitude. You can listen to the entire thing online free here

And last but of course not least, the amazing Don Chaffer has a new EP kinda album that is simply fantastic. Check it out here

Don always has fantastic life insights, and is lyrically challenging. 

I think that is all for now, happy hunting!